Why Does The Fund Exist?
Headway Central Lancashire’s emergency fund provides small grants to help survivors of a major trauma or a brain injury and their families and who are on a low income, to cope with unexpected issues arising from admission to hospital.
The majority of our small grants ensure patients utilising our service have items they need during their time in hospital and after discharge.
Who Can Apply?
Adults suffering a major trauma or acquired brain injury who is in hospital or has recently been discharged can be assessed for an emergency fund.
Please note only one application per family is permitted whether that be family or the patient.
The purpose of the MT Emergency Fund is to relieve some of the financial stress families and individuals may run as a result of major trauma or acquired brain injury. Due to limited resources, Headway Central Lancashire awards will be made on a case by case basis and applications from families or survivors with savings of more than £1000 will not be considered.
What can we provide?
Toiletries or food needs during your time as an inpatient
Clothing from pyjamas to clothes suitable for discharge.
Travel costs for families visiting relatives in hospital or rehabilitation.
Other items will be considered.
How to Apply?
To apply please contact a member of the Headway Central Lancashire Team:
Email: services@headwaycentrallancashire.org.uk or
Phone our helpline: 07557123493
Other Options?
Grants of up to £500 can also be requested from Headway UK in the immediate aftermath of a brain injury.
Headway Central Lancashire’s emergency fund (2021) is made possible due to the kind donations received from the ‘Tippings Christmas lights’ announce our emergency fund