Think aHead and keep yourself safe on your night out

Headway Preston & Chorley is urging people to keep safe over the festive period to avoid acquiring a head or brain injury. Headway’s message is clear; keep yourself safe, look after your friends and get home safely.

The campaign is all about thinking ahead and being mindful of the dangers of acquiring a head injury while out celebrating, particularly while drinking alcohol. Keeping an ICE number (in case of emergency) in your phone and planning how you are going to get home is just as important as the night out itself.

According to recent statistics a large number of head injuries are sustained through trauma such as falls, assaults and road traffic collisions. If trauma to your brain is severe, it can lead to bleeding, bruising and swelling inside the brain and can even kill. Even a minor bump to the head can have long term effects and cause memory loss, depression and insomnia.

Liz Bamber, Headway campaign manager said: “Through our work at Headway, we are seeing a growing number of individuals who unfortunately acquire a traumatic brain injury though accidents and assaults. At this time of year in particular, people tend to enjoy more parties and nights out than usual and excessive drinking can lead to people being in more vulnerable positions, as a result accidents can and do happen. We are hoping that this campaign will help prevent more instances of brain injury and remind people to keep themselves safe and look out for others”.


Fletchers Solicitors raise £7000 for Headway

The annual golf day organised by Fletchers Solicitors is Headway Preston & Chorley’s biggest fundraising event of the year. It is an event which is attracting a regular following each year, and a number of local and national companies dust off their golf clubs to raise much needed funds for Headway. This year they raised a massive £7000. Liz Bamber, Project Manager for Headway in Preston said, “On behalf of the staff, volunteers and clients, I would like to thank Fletchers Solicitors for their ongoing support. We rely solely on fundraising to keep the charity going and the amount raised this year represents a fifth of our annual income which is a tremendous boost to our funds”.


Headway thanks former Mayor of Penwortham Sue Prynn

Councillor Sue Prynn, former Mayor of Penwortham adopted Headway Preston & Chorley as her charity of the year in 2014/2015. With her year coming to an end a few months ago Sue and the team at Penwortham Town Council wanted to donate the money they had raised through fundraising events and presented Headway at the August 2015 session with a cheque for £3500.00. Trustess, staff, volunteers and members all thanks Sue and the team for their support.


Headway Preston & Chorley Staff Restructure

On 4th August 2015 Headway recruited a third member of staff to join the charity team. Laura Brown will be overseeing volunteers and small charity events. Other staff members have changed roles in a restructure designed to enhance and increase service delivery.

Margaret Cliffe is the new Services Cordinator and Liz Bamber has become the Headway Project Manager.

Chair of Headway Preston & Chorley, Sarah Charnley said, “Headway in Preston has grown rapidly over the last 12 months as the demand for our services has increased. The staff restructure will enable us to work more effectively to meet our objectives and achieve the charities outcomes. Most importantly, we will have more staff time to dedicate to the needs of brain injury survivors and their families”.

Headway Patrons Graham Alexander and ben price open new office at Heartbeat

On Thursday 4th June the new Headway office was officially opened by patrons; Graham Alexander and Ben Price.

Speaking at the event, Chairman, Louise Sheffield said it was a huge step forward for the charity being based with Heartbeat. Jill Rogerson, CEO of Heartbeat said the two charities share a lot of common goals and are both highly patient focused. Graham Alexander wished us well for the future and looked forward to another five years as patron and Ben price thanked Headway for assisting him with his role in CoronationStreet, playing the part of someone with a brain injury.

Download the Video Clip

Headway Preston and Chorley – New Headway Office Opening


West Lancashire Leyland and District Masonic Funding

Headway Preston & Chorley has received funding from the Cuerden Lodge of the West Lancs, Leyland and District Masonic Province. Receiving the cheque for £500.00, Liz Bamber Development Officer expressed her gratitude on behalf of the Headway Trustees, staff, volunteers and members, for this very generous donation.

New ABI figures out highlight shocking rise in ABI cases

Almost 44,000 people were admitted to hospitals with an acquired brain injury (ABI) related diagnosis in the North West of England last year, according a new report issued today 18/05/15 by brain injury charity Headway.

The region has the highest rate of head injury admissions of any English region and the second highest rate of admissions for all forms of brain injury.

Using hospital admissions statistics, the charity has compiled the first dataset on ABI-related hospital admissions in the UK. These include non-superficial head injuries, strokes, brain tumours, encephalitis, and a variety of additional conditions.

This is the first time a picture of incidence rates for all ABI in the UK has been published, with the figures highlighting the concerning number of people in the region sustaining injuries to the brain each year. See press release.

We have moved office to Preston North End FC!

We have moved office to Preston North End FC!

Headway Preston & Chorley has moved office to the Heartbeat Cardiac Centre at Preston North End. The move is welcomed as it provides larger premises to enable more one to one appointments and easy access for clients. Liz Bamber Development Officer said, we are delighted and look forward to working alongside a larger charity which will only add value to our service.

The new address is:

Headway Preston & Chorley, Heartbeat Centre, Preston North End, Sir Tom Finney Way, Preston PR1 6PA

Headway welcomes new rules for Premier League

Leading brain injury charity Headway has welcomed new rules on how Premier League football clubs deal with head injuries.

“We are pleased to see the football authorities have addressed the serious issue of concussion,” said Peter McCabe, Chief Executive of Headway. “The measures announced today are a significant step forward in the protection of footballers at all levels and therefore are warmly welcomed.

“The more we know about head and brain injury, the better we understand the risks of continuing to play competitive sport following a concussion. The guidelines at all levels, from FIFA to the FA and Premier League, have to date been insufficient and ineffective, as demonstrated by numerous high-profile examples.